Understanding Teeth Sensitivity and How to Treat It

Woman biting a carrot

Patients who experience tooth sensitivity may not just suffer pain and discomfort, but this dental condition may also be a symptom of a more worrying problem. For this reason, a visit to a dentist Navan is crucial. The symptoms of teeth sensitivity vary with each patient. Some may experience a sharp twinge, while others experience a deeper level of discomfort. Most often patients experience this discomfort when eating or drinking hot or cold foods, beverages like tea or ice-cream, but pain can also be felt when brushing and flossing teeth.

Causes of sensitive teeth

The tooth is made up of a number of layers. The first layer most patients are familiar with is the most visible one, enamel, which is the protective outer layer. Beneath this layer is the dentine which is softer and more vulnerable. Dentine contains the nerves and roots of the tooth and when the enamel wears away, it exposes these sensitive areas to heat and cold. Another problem that may lay bare these areas are –  receding gums.

To understand the cause of tooth sensitivity it is important to be aware of the factors that can cause enamel to erode away. These include:

  • Gum disease
  • Toothbrush abrasion where brushing teeth too hard and in a side-to-side motion, (not using the recommended circular motion) can wear away enamel
  • Cavity-causing acidic/sugary foods or drinks, eating away at enamel over time
  • The build-up of tooth and gum destroying plaque and tartar, causing gums to recede and exposing the dentine
  • Tooth grinding, wearing away enamel
  • A fractured or cracked tooth leading to exposed roots and nerves
  • Cosmetic treatments that include a bleaching process may also lead to tooth sensitivity.

Types of treatment for sensitive teeth

The first rule of thumb when experiencing symptoms of tooth sensitivity is to have a check-up at a dental clinic. If the problem is caused due to cavities, fractured teeth or gum disease, a dental practitioner can provide suitable treatment to address these issues.

During an oral examination of teeth and gums, a dental practitioner will ask a number of questions and it is essential that patients answer these honestly.  Depending on a patient’s circumstances, possible options to treat tooth sensitivity include:

  • Using desensitizing toothpaste and fluoride gels. The dental industry has made available numerous products that help to treat sensitive teeth. Toothpaste can include compounds that ease symptoms of sensitivity while other products like gels act to reinforce the strength of enamel
  • For severe cases of tooth sensitivity, a dental practitioner may suggest a root canal treatment
  • Inserting a crown to cover a problem that causes sensitivity.

Precautions and preventions

In many cases, proper oral care is the best way to prevent discomfort from tooth sensitivity. In addition to this, patients may find that avoiding particular foods that are either hot, cold, acidic or sweet, may help in reducing symptoms. The use of warm water when rinsing out the mouth after brushing, may also alleviate the pain, rather than using cold water. It is critical that patients do not avoid brushing teeth at all, as further complications may arise due to poor oral health.

Consult a dental practitioner at Navan today for efficient treatment for tooth sensitivity. Depending on the treatment plan, more than one visit may be required to eliminate symptoms completely. Some clinics accept patients with medical cards including Irish NHS.

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