Herbal Remedies for Sinusitis

Picture of a sufferer of sinusitis

What is Sinusitis?

Every person that is born with the hollow spaces that are present behind the bones of the face usually faces this problem. The hollow spaces are known as sinuses. Increased nasal secretions happen due to nasal allergy wit further blocks the sinuses.

This leads to inflammation and swelling of the nasal passages which further leads to congestion over the cheeks and in between your nose, eyes, and forehead.


  • Frequent headache
  • Facial pain or feeling of pressure on the face
  • Blocked or runny nose
  • Water, swollen or puffy eyes
  • Congestion around the eyes, nose, forehead and cheeks
  • Cough
  • Foul breath from mouth
  • Reduced sense of smell
  • Tenderness around the eyes and pain
  • Tenderness around nose, cheeks and forehead
  • Feeling tired and fatigue


55% of patients suffer from the problem of sinusitis and also have a history of nasal allergy. Some of the main causes of the sinusitis is:

  • Increase in the nasal secretions ie. due to allergic rhinitis or hay fever
  • Polyps occur due to the outgrowth in the nose and that could lead to inflammation
  • Weak immunity
  • Allergic reaction that could be due to pollens, dust, smoke, pollutants, pet dander
  • Structural problems inside the nose. The misaligned septum in the nasal passage that could lead to inflammation.

Allergens that cause Sinusitis

  • Pollution
  • Dust particles and dust mite
  • Passive smoking or smoking
  • Pollen from flowers
  • Pet dander
  • Presence of mold spores in humid areas

Ayurvedic doctors have witnessed proven results from trying these home remedies;

  • With a few drops of eucalyptus oil in water boil the water and take steam from it. It will open the clogged and blocked passages
  • Increase the consumption of fluids in your daily life
  • Make your home mite free and install properly cleaned air filter and also remember to keep pets far away from your bedrooms
  • Prepare a solution with ginger and tulsi tea and drink it while it is hot
  • Do warm compress and relieve yourself from facial pressure and swelling caused due to inflammation. You can use wet and warm towel to do compressing and remember to apply it across your forehead, cheeks, eyes and nose
  • Use a humidifier at home
  • With the neti pot and saline water do neti. In case you do not own neti pot then you can do nasal rinsing with the help of saline water
  • Turmeric and ginger root are known as the fragrant spices that are used by the people all over India. It is commonly available and very beneficial as it is rich in anti-oxidants and has natural anti-inflammatory properties. You must try drinking turmeric and ginger in hot tea and you will feel the difference for yourself. It will loosen up the mucus that is present in the clogged nasal passages and relax the pressure in the sinus.
  • Apple cider vinegar is a natural ingredient that has endless health benefits. To enjoy its health benefits you need to drink a cup of hot water or tea, drink it thrice daily along with 2-3 tablespoons of raw and unfiltered apple cider vinegar which will help in relieving the congestion and the pressure of the sinus. You can mix honey and lemon to it for a better taste.

Only a herbal remedy for acne can help in washing the toxins out from your body and will provide you relief from the problem of acne.

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