Top 4 Ways To Get a Better Smile

Woman smiling with beautiful teeth

People who don’t feel happy with their smile can find it affects their confidence and self-esteem, both of which can have far-reaching effects in their personal and professional lives. Fortunately, it’s not necessary to simply accept that the teeth are not the way they should be; an experienced professional can present a range of options to ensure the best possible smile.

The treatment a patient can get very much depends on the issues they have with their teeth, gums and jaw. It may be that braces are the best option; or dental implants could be the solution. Whitening and veneers are also great ways to get a better smile. Each patient should be assessed on an individual basis to ascertain the most appropriate treatment.


Braces have come a long way from the metal structures administered to young people in days gone by. Firstly, they are no longer just for teenagers – getting the teeth straightened, closing gaps and resolving crowding is now available for people of all ages.

Braces can help to improve the aesthetic appeal of the teeth, which can have a big impact on how the patient feels about their smile. They also help people to maintain better oral hygiene, which means that their teeth can stay in better condition even as ageing occurs. This can allow the patient to maintain a younger appearance and feel more confident about how they look.

For those who might feel a little self-conscious about the idea of wearing braces, it is now possible to opt for Invisalign. This is a treatment that involves wearing ‘braces’ which are almost invisible, and which keeps discomfort at an absolute minimum.

Dental implants

Dental implants can be a great tool for getting a better smile. They can be used to replace one or more teeth that are in poor condition; and as a treatment for teeth that are misshapen or ground down.

Patients who wear dentures can find that the fact that they are not fixed can cause issues with appearance, including feeling self-conscious. Dental implants are a permanent solution to a better smile, and well worth considering if the dentist considers this an appropriate treatment.


Veneers are a popular choice with those who wish to improve their smile. Thin pieces of porcelain that are moulded to your teeth, they can alleviate a multitude of issues to give the patient a great look and increased confidence.


Discoloured, stained or yellow teeth can significantly reduce a person’s confidence regarding their smile. Professional whitening from an expert can be the answer, and can allow patients to feel much better about their appearance – and encourage better dental hygiene in the future in order to maintain the look.

Whatever the factors affecting confidence in the smile, people can find the solutions by visiting an experienced professional. Given the impact this can have in all areas of a person’s life, it is well worth exploring the options for improvement. A great smile makes people look younger and more attractive, so oral care should be a top priority.

5 Reasons to Consider Dental Implants

Picture of a dentist's office and operating chair

There are a lot of different reasons why someone would choose to get dental implants. They may suffer from severe tooth decay or have missing teeth. Both of these create a diminished quality of life because of factors such as pain and the inability to properly chew food. It can often be coupled with the insecurities and unpleasantness of feeling unhappy with how your mouth looks aesthetically: oral health is important, so is having confidence in your appearance. For a lot of patients, dental implants can be a great option, they are functional and can blend in really well with your other teeth. There a whole host of other benefits too. These could include…

They feel like a natural tooth

The great thing about dental implants is that they behave like natural teeth. They give functionality and durability that often can’t be matched by other restorative methods. They are anchored securely to the jaw bone in a very similar way to your natural tooth’s root, which gives false teeth real stability.

Prevention of bone loss

Sometimes if an individual loses a tooth they discover that with time they also lose bone mass around the missing tooth. If there is no longer a root then naturally the body begins to stop the strengthening or ‘ossification’ of the bone. If a patient gets a dental implant then new bone growth can be stimulated and further bone loss can help to be avoided.

Support of facial structure

Bone loss can give individuals with severe tooth decay or missing teeth a sunken appearance around the mouth that over time can cause a serious impact on the structure of the face. In many instanced patients feel they have a certain aged look because they associate this aesthetic with what they see in many older people. If you can keep your jaw bone strong through implants then the overall facial structure can be improved.

Comparably cost-effective

Dental implants are really quite cost-effective if you stretch the payment over a lifetime. Other forms of restoration may need to be maintained or even replaced by a dentist on a semi-regular basis. With dental implants, if properly looked after by the patient, they often can last decades.  Just ask your dentist to show you the best methods for keeping any implants to a highs standard.

The enjoyment of food

We already touched on this earlier and it may seem like an obvious point but being able to eat a normal diet is extremely important to a lot of people. It means we can go to restaurants or enjoy meals with a loved one without having to drastically alter what we would like to eat. If you suffer from tooth loss or need to wear dentures then the ability to chew food is often diminished because the bite isn’t as strong or dentures just are not effective enough to chew tougher foods. The vast majority of patients with implants are able to eat and drink as they would with natural teeth.

The top five most popular cosmetic dental procedures in the UK

Woman getting a dental procedure completed

If the appearance of your teeth is more likely to make you frown than smile, take comfort in knowing that you are far from alone. The UK has upped its game where dental care is concerned and people are turning to private dentistry to improve their teeth. Should you be considering some dental treatment of your own, read on to discover the top five treatments enjoyed by people wanting to make the most of their smile.

Teeth whitening

When your teeth are perfectly straight but are stained or discoloured, teeth whitening procedures can give your smile that extra sparkle. There are various procedures that can be used to whiten teeth from laser treatments to gel applications. Only natural teeth can be whitened with these procedures and therefore crowns, fillings and veneers will not be affected.

Teeth straightening

Children and adolescents can have braces fitted by an NHS dentist should it be necessary, but adults that want to straighten their crooked teeth may need a different option. “Invisible” braces allow treatment to take place discreetly and can provide straight teeth very quickly. One of the most popular methods of teeth straightening is one that uses the Invisalign iTero Element Scanner. It is thought this method has become popular because it uses digital scanning techniques rather than putty to make an impression of a patient’s teeth and mouth. Many private practices permit patients to spread expenses, including Invisalign costs, over a period of time, and many dental insurance plans also now cover costs for Invisalign treatment.


When more than teeth whitening is required to make teeth look great, many people are opting to have veneers attached to their teeth to give a longer-lasting effect. Veneers can be made of porcelain, ceramic or composite binding material and last for around ten years. With cosmetic dentistry advancing so quickly, it is thought that soon veneers will last much longer than a decade. The reason why this particular cosmetic enhancement is so popular is that it is quick, and the results are fantastic.

Gum sculpting

Although it not as well publicised as other treatments, gum sculpting is definitely a popular procedure. For those that have low hanging gums, they may wish to have sections trimmed to expose more of the teeth. A laser is used to trim and shape gums and usually veneers are also attached to the teeth to prevent the gums growing back as before.

Dental bonding

This process involves having a composite resin attached to the teeth. Patients can have it applied to one or several teeth that have become discoloured or chipped. As dental bonding does not last as long as veneers it does not cost as much. As with veneers, patients need to take great care of their bonded teeth and avoid anything that may cause damage or staining to the material. This means no chewing on pens, and cutting down on drinking tea, coffee and red wine.

Can people who smoke get dental implants?

Picture of two dentists working on a patient

Improving the appearance with treatments like dental implants and braces has grown in popularity over the years. People no longer have to suffer from a lack of confidence in their smile because of missing, misshapen or cracked teeth. But what about those who smoke? Is it worth their while getting dental implants, or does the habit mean that this kind of treatment can’t be beneficial?

The good news is that smokers can get dental implants, and that indulging in this activity doesn’t exclude patients from getting an improved smile.  Any expert dentist will advise against continuing to smoke, but even if the patient does decide to do so, they can still be eligible for implant treatment.

Making an informed choice

A good dentist will not lecture their patients on smoking, but they will be open about the potential risks associated with maintaining the habit. They have an obligation to explain how smoking can affect the patient’s health and the results that can be expected after treatment if smoking is continued; as well as the impact of the habit on the teeth in the long term.

Smoking is a major cause of gum disease, and this can result in tooth loss which necessitates dental implants to help the patient restore their smile. Although people who remain smokers can still get the treatment, they should be aware that the long term outlook of dental implants. Gum disease can cause implants to become loose or fall out in the same way as teeth.

If the bone structure of the jaw has been affected by smoking, some patients will need to have grafts in preparation for implant treatment. If grafts are needed, it is best for the patient to stop smoking beforehand in order to maximise the chances of success. Some dentists will not offer grafts to patients who are unable to stop smoking.

What impact does smoking have on dental implants?

When implants are placed, they integrate with the bone and gum to keep them in place just like natural teeth. The nicotine in cigarettes causes the blood vessels to narrow, and the result of this is that the tissue inside the mouth has a reduced supply of oxygen – and the flow of saliva is also impacted by this. The result of all this means that the smoking patient is likely to take longer to recover from treatment; and is more likely to suffer from infections in the recovery period and beyond.

Despite the risks associated with continuing to smoke and getting this kind of treatment, it can still result in a successful and satisfactory outcome for the patient – so smokers should not be afraid to consult their dentist if they feel they would benefit from dental implants. Many smokers find that deciding to have their smile improved in this manner actually increases their desire to quit – and it can be a very useful means of motivation to pack in the cigarettes and enjoy better results from dental implant treatment.

How to Help Children Enjoy Trips to the Dentist

Child getting a checkup from the dentist

As adults, we understand that seeing dental professionals is for our own benefit, but if your child is scared or nervous about going to their dental appointments, it can cause stress for the entire family. The good news is that there are steps you can take to make everything a whole lot easier, and you may find that your child will actually look forward to the next time they have an appointment to have their teeth checked.

Start them young

Many people mistakenly assume that they don’t need to book a dental appointment for their children until they have teeth. Parents should register their child with the local dental practice as soon as the child is born. Appointments can be made when the child is just six months old, or whenever the dental professionals advise. By taking a child for check-ups from an early age, not only are you allowing the baby to become familiarised with the dental environment, but any problems they may have with their gums or jaw can also be detected as early as possible.

Stay positive

It is all too easy to tell your kids about your own terrible experiences with your teeth, but this is merely passing your fears onto them. Refrain from being negative, and instead educate your children about the benefits of regular dental appointments and good dental hygiene. Although most dental practices give children stickers after an appointment, it would be worthwhile providing your own treat after each visit. Steer clear of edible treats and instead reward with a trip to the park or extra time on their favourite game.

Lead by example

Children can be anxious when experiencing something different, especially if that something different involves having someone poke at their teeth! If possible arrange to visit the dental practice before the child’s appointment so they can see there is nothing to worry about. This is best done during a parent’s check-up rather than during a through treatment session. When your child sees you are comfortable having your teeth checked, it is probable your child will have their fears alleviated.

Adults with dental anxiety

Knowing that regular dental appointments are in your child’s best interests can motivate an adult with dental anxiety to address their own fears. Although it may not be as simple as rewarding yourself with a treat after each appointment, there are efficient ways to make each visit easier. Speaking with a dental professional can help to ease your anxiety and ensuring the practice is aware of your nervousness allows them to put certain procedures in place. If pain is your prevalent fear, ask about Wand Painless Injections as this computerised solution allows patients to be anaesthetised without experiencing the bee-sting effect that can occur when fluids rush into a confined area of tissue. This is also an excellent solution for patients with a fear of syringes as the anaesthetic is administered using a device that looks like a pen.